old friends

old friends, they shine like diamonds
old friends, you can always call
old friends, lord you can’t buy ’em
you know it’s old friends after all
— the prophet guy clark

Going through stuff to throw out. Keep nothing you haven’t used in the last year. Must be ruthless. No room for sentimentality.

And then i come across these guys. Oh, well. Maybe i’ll just toss my dress shoes to make room for them. I almost never wear a dress anyhow.

And yes, they still smell really, really bad.

About gary

no sock monkeys were harmed in the making of this blog.
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4 Responses to old friends

  1. kynanmatz says:

    They look like perfectly viable planter boxes to me. AZ can use more flowers. And they already smell like fertilizer.

  2. tosuperstar says:

    Moving really does STINK!

  3. wanderwolf says:

    So I guess using them a bookends is a bad idea. Good thing they went.

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